Monday, April 14, 2014

Black Beauty

    Many have attempted to classify human beings into different categories. This is done to help us understand others, however, in doing so I feel that there could be one detail that isn't factored into the great quilt that are homo sapiens. Nonetheless, we still do. The other day I was thinking about the different views on beauty. If you go on any social network you will likely find quotes by Marilyn Monroe and Betty Page of current and historical sex icons.

    The uniqueness of beauty, its funny how we all have different forms or concepts of what beauty is. Is it an internal or external beauty? Yes.  Extrinsic or Intrinsic? Yes. Is it the kind of beauty that stops you in your tracks just looking at it because it is captivating. Or is it the kind that requires you to sit down and spend time with that objective (insert person/place/thing) to find that hidden allure.....

     It is now 2015! I know people. I know. What the hell took over a year for me to finish this MF's life. I grew, I shrank and now I'm growing some more. I mean that all in a metaphorical and philosophical sense. Or do I? noises.................I'm going to drift away from the topic and come back to it. I swear.


     It should seem that fate has a funny way of handling me. Just when I complain of stagnation and emotions of repression I was thrown a curve ball on fire. Guess what I did? Because I'm a bit of a pyro and I like shiny things I thought "Oh, I'll hold onto this it'll burn out eventually." Wrong. Oh so very fucking wrong. Even though I threw water and removed oxygen from the flame damn thing would reignite causing me to be burned repeatedly. I will explain more of the actual situation in due time lovelies.

     So what did I learn? I'm not entirely sure yet because I'm still trying to get my thoughts about all of that mess together which takes time. What I know for sure though is the following:

1) Never let another person define who or what you should be.

2) Be yourself. In all your quirky, uncomfortable and intriguing ways. 

3) Don't take any bullshit from people who don't really love you.

4) Don't be a pawn. Fuck that don't hate the player hate the game bullshit. (I'm totally doing  mental fuck you's to a couple of people right now.)

5) Always be a good person, be honest and be kind. However, don't be a pushover. 

6) If you have a voice/thought/emotion to express then do so. 

7) Abuse in any form is NOT tolerated. 

8) Be a person of your word and mean it. 

9) Keep the people that love you close and never ever in a million years let them go. They will help you maintain your spark. 

10) Have some motherfucking courage and bravery. 

    With that stated I'll be honest with you. I went through a lot emotionally, physically and mentally to actively learn those things. Truth be told, it is easy to have someone tell you something but living it is the real lesson. I learned to accept me, myself and I for who and what the fuck I am and am not.  Beauty is expressed in every way possible because you have the divine right to reject something if you don't appreciate its value. Aesthetic or not. That is okay. SO....
                   Please try to contain your amazement till I'm done spitting out BS.

You are probably now thinking "I just wasted minutes of my life reading this fucking blog from a 20-something-year-old female ranting about her life and I really don't give a fuck about what she has to say or rant about." That is cool Bro. By all means leave your comments below because....

You are welcome. 

And I'm out. Till later hoes and bros. 

Thursday, April 3, 2014

The Difference

        It has recently come to my attention that I am the only grandchild from my maternal line that has yet to be married or have children. That kind of leaves me in awe and with the question of "How did that happen?". Not to assume that I haven't had a decent set of suitors but, I've just never decided "Yep, this is the one, no ands, ifs or buts about it. Let's do it all."

      While reading for my History on American Law class I stumbled upon an excerpt that stopped me. The author Lawrence M. Friedman, while speaking of the importance of groups and their effect on American legislation and the economy, said "A group or association has two aspects: It defines some people in, and it defines some people out. People joined groups not simply for mutual help, but to exclude, to define an enemy, to make common cause against outsiders." (Friedman, p. 254-255)

    So when did it happen? My exclusion from this insanely involved lifestyle.

My answer to that: "Does it even matter? And of course it doesn't!"
  There are some females out there who live by a somewhat structured time line. Granted there are those who don't and there are many variations, but few (so few!) go out there and become boss ladies. My opinion of being a "Boss lady" is the likes of Oprah, Sheryl Sandberg and other powerful women in the business industry, political fronts, education, health, advocacy & non-profits, media, the list can go on, and on.
    So today girls, ladies, women! Go get it! Get it all! And DO NOT allow yourselves to be limited by the likes, or views, words, what have you another individual. And with that I will leave you with the words of BeyoncĂ© from her track Flawless.
                             Because you had better believe it gorgeous. You are FLAWLESS.